Cloud computing

The Cloud Computing concept is one based on the outsourcing of computing resources. Rather than purchasing certain hardware or software at relatively high capital expenditure, companies instead rent applications from service providers and access them over the Internet. An alternative to managing traditional IT resources - a host company takes care of the background technicalities and you simply connect to your services through a secure Web-browser, using them whenever needed. These services are hosted online on secure servers - a network of computers collectively referred to as the Cloud..

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Advantages of Cloud Computing

Lower Cost and Initial Investment

Cloud computing is much less expensive than getting similar services in the traditional way. Companies will be paying solely for the aspects of the service that they demand, which will in turn affect the price.


A cloud service is much easier to scale up or down than the traditional computing service. This is the perfect option for companies that require flexibility.

Companies in today's world are trying to survive in a very competitive and intense business environment. Many of them are forced to scale down. Several other companies manage to make it through, which calls for staff expansion.

Easy Management

The fact that no hardware is connected to the availability and the provision of cloud computing services makes them easier to manage.

A company's IT experts will be free of worries connected to available storage space or the manner in which servers get administered. All concerns will be focused on performance.

In addition, a company's IT experts can rest assured that all updates take place without their involvement. Maintenance and upgrades will be entirely dependent on the cloud service provider.

Taking It Anywhere

Cloud services are 100 percent location independent. This can be a huge advantage for companies that relocate frequently or for business representatives that have to do a lot of business travel.

Cloud services can be accessed from any location that has internet access. This means that important projects and company operations will be available anywhere, anytime. Accessibility from any location permits work from home and business travel without too many preparations.

SAAS- Another decade, another buzzword. If you are involved in IT it is likely that you will have seen terms like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Application Service Provider (ASP) and Utility Computing appear in technology and business media more frequently. Whatever you care to refer to it as they all essentially mean the same thing It is Known as Cloud computing.

Client Challenges

  • Service Level Agreements
  • Data Coding
  • National Data Protectionism
  • Application Security
  • Loosely Coupled Service Design
  • Query Oriented versus API Oriented Programming
  • Occasionally Disconnected Operation

Veloce IT Group Services Cloud Computing promises substantial benefits for small, medium and large organizations. Realizing those benefits will require a focus on new application development challenges as well as the use of new programming models and practices.